Sources of Vitamin d | Vitamin d deficiency symptoms

Sources of Vitamin d | Vitamin d deficiency symptoms

If the vitamin level is not right in the body, different diseases attract our body.

Due to the lack of vitamins,our body loses the prevention of disease.

All vitamins are very essential. Vitamin D is one of them.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

In the absence of Vitamin D, there is a possibility of bone diseases, muscular pain, high pressure and hormone problem.

Also, the pain in the waist, feeling tired all day long is common for the deficiency of vitamin D.

Sources of Vitamin D

The main source of vitamin D is sunlight.But  doctors say that Vitamin D is produced in the body if people eat the following 5 foods.

These are called vitamin D rich foods.

1) Cheeses

To make Vitamin D  in the body, eat Cheeses.Cheeses also increase calcium levels in the body.

2) Mushroom

 Sources of Vitamin D

Before eating mushroom,you must cook mushrooms  washing well.Consult the doctor if you have allergic tendencies.

3) Oil-rich Fish or Marine Fish

Fish oil is high in vitamin D.So,eat more marine fish.

4) Egg yolk

Sources of Vitamin d | Vitamin d deficiency symptoms

Egg yolk contains vitamin D.So,eat eggs to remove the deficiency of vitamin D.

5) Milk

cow's milk is rich in vitamin D.Also, Soy Milk contains Vitamin D.


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