Health Tips:Extra Fat for The Wrong Food Habits |How to Lose Extra Fat

Health Tips:Extra Fat for The Wrong Food Habits |How to Lose Extra Fat

Health Tips:Extra Fat for The Wrong Food Habits |How to Lose Extra Fat

The lower the amount of fat in body,the more the body's structure will be attractive.

However, due to some regular daily habits, fat remains in the body in a huge amount.

Professor Jennifer McDaniel of St. Louis University said, "All habits cannot be changed in one day. So one or two habits have to be changed.

 "In this case, he advised to adopt a slow method.Because studies have shown that we can do many things quickly with the will power.

For getting long-term benefits you should adopt slow process.Thus you will be more physically strong and be able to lose fat from your body.

This professor mentions some mistakes about eating foods.

If we stop doing this mistake,we can reduce or lose the amount of extra fat depositted in the body.

1)To lose fat, don't eat one meal among three meal.

Many people think that it is possible to keep weight under control if you avoid one  meal.

However, due to non-eating, next time the consumption of food may be more.

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As a result, weight control is not possible.

Besides, the desire to control weight may also be lost.

According to experts, "It is important to have glucose in the body to keep the brain active.

 But if the food is not eaten at breakfast or any other time, the amount of glucose is reduced.

So the control of the brain is not effective during the next meal. As a result, the intake of food can increase.

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2) Changing Habits

Lease Applegate (PhD), director of sports nutrition division of the University of California, suggested to divide every three meal to   500 calories per day to change the habit.

He also said that people should eat 100 to 200 calories in their breakfast.

Men who are trying to lose weight need at least 1,800 to 2,200 calories per day.

He said, "The most important thing is to prepare oneself mentally. I think I'm going to start a new routine and not exclude eating.

If you think about elimination, it is eaten more. "

3) Eating Fastly

In the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,

17 healthy men were given the same amount of ice cream. Some of them finished it in five minutes and others took time  about 30 minutes.

According to Alexander Cokinos,Research author M.D., Ph.D., after eating full stomach, two hormones called PYY and GLP-1 send signals to brain to stop eating.

According to  the study participants who have had ice cream for 30 minutes were releasing more these hormone .

Those who eat fast, eat a little more after their stomach is full.So to lose weight or fat,Eat slowly.


To lose weight or fat,Dr. Never say, "Food should be eaten slowly and enjoyablely.

In this case, 'Yoga body diet' breathing tricks can be followed . During taking air,count 1 to 5 slowly and then leave air counting 1 to 5.This procedure can be followed five times before the start of eating.

In 2009, a study ,published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, revealed that Yoga has increased the concentration to food and reduces the chancebof weight gain.

5)Eating Excess During the Holidays

Regular eating habits for the whole week can be in vain  because of extra food on weekends.

Research on the effect of palmitic acid on the hormone leptin in the control of appetite is published in the Clinical Investigation Journal.

Palmitic acid is available in saturated fat. Saturated fat prevents

the effect of leptin in three days in controlling food consumption according to body weight.

So, in the evening of holydays, burgers, fries or wings help to increase weight on working days.

6) Eating More Salt-Snacks

Health Tips:Extra Fat for The Wrong Food Habits |How to Lose Extra Fat

One of the reasons for increasing fat in the body is sodium, which is quickly added to the body. 

Popcorn while watching movies, chips,cricket etc. increase the amount of salt in the body.

Change: If you try for a few weeks, addiction to salt foods decreases, said Thomas Moore, associate professor of Boston University.

He further said. "Cooked foods can be eaten with less salt or less sodium chips.

7)Watching TV While Eating

According to a research, people who eat foods while watching TV eat more than normal.

Calorie is consumed by eating foods while watching TV but does not cost.

Besides, sleeping less at night or sleeping late increases possibility of taking additional calories.This habit doesn't help to burn fat.

Change: Donald Hansard, chief editor of The Mayo Clinic Diet's Medical Department, said, "Stay active while watching TV.Do some task and then come back to watch TV.

Alongside watching TV, go to sleeping in time ,which is really a very good practice.

Conclusion:To burn fat or weight loss, healthy habits are the  key secret.


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