Why do Apples keep the doctor away?|| Health Benefits of Apple

Why do  Apples keep the doctor away?|| Health Benefits of Apple

10 Benefits of Eating Apples

Why do  Apples keep the doctor away?|| Health Benefits of Apple

If we eat a apple  everyday,we can stop going to the doctor. 

This is always said, but what is the reason behind it? Let's  know today.

1.Apples increase the resistance to the disease.

2.Apples prevent from  heart diseases and cancer.

3.Apples reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

4.Apple fiber and antioxidants prevent aging.

5.Apples hold the youth.

6.Apples don't increase the level of sugar in blood.As a result, diabetic patients can eat apples.

7.Apples fill the lack of water in the body.It keeps body cool.

8)  Apples destroy harmful bacteria of the teeth.

Read More:Health Tips:Extra fat for the wrong Food Habits

9)Apples increases  the process of  digestion. Thus,it keeps weight under control.

10)Apples are good for the skin an decrease fever-cough.

Why do  Apples keep the doctor away?|| Health Benefits of Apple

To stsy fit,eating one apple per day is enough.


Apples are acidic.So,if you eat more, it can cause dental problem.. Don't eat the seed of apple. Because it contains highly harmful cyanide poisoning for the body.


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