Soup Recepies: French Onion Soup

Soup Recepies: French Onion Soup

Soup Recepies: French Onion Soup
French Onion Soup

Preparation time

 5 minutes

Cooking time 

25-30 minutes

 Serves 6 


235 per portion

You will need 

450g/ 1 b onions
 50g/2 oz butter or margarine

1 litre/ 1 3⁄4  
pints beef stock

150 ml/ 1⁄4pint dry red wine

salt and pepper

6 slices French bread,

 buttered 100g/4 oz Cheddar cheese


 Chop the onions and fry in the butter or margarine until soft and golden brown .

Pour in the stock, bring to the boil ,then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 25 minutes .

Add the wine and seasoning,
stir well and heat the soup for a further few minutes .

Put a slice of French bread into each heatproof soup bowl and pour over the soup.

When the bread rises to the surface sprinkle the top with the Cheddar, put under a hot grill until golden Serve immediately

Cheese and Onion Soup

 Cook's Tip 

 Coarsely grate and freeze small leftover pieces of cheese- they are often useful for recipes such as this one.

Pack the cheese in polythene bags, allowing plenty of room in the bag so that the cheese does not become compressed in a lump.

Use straight from the freezer.


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