Why Do You Need Fats or Lipids? |Fats or Lipids |What are Lipids |Lipids Definition | Are Lipids Fats? |Source of Lipid

Fats or Lipids |What are Lipids |Lipids Definition | Are Lipids Fats? |Source of Lipids |

Among the six nutrients lipid or fat produces the largest amounts of energy in our body. Nearly all natural foods contain lipid. Fats or lipids are esters of fatty acids with glycerol.

Lipid or Fat Structure |Lipid Molecule | Lipid Molecule Structure | Fat Molecule

True fat has one molecule of organic ester of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids.

Classification of Fats or Lipids | Classes of Lipids |Types of Lipids

a.Fats or lipids are classified, based on their nature:

1.Solid Fats:

Fats that remain solid at room temperature and in normal pressure are termed as solid fats, e.g. animal fat, butter etc.

2.Liquid Fats:

Liquid fats remain liquid at room temperature and in normal pressure, e.g. soybean-oil, mustard-oil, etc.
b.According to their sources fats are classified into two groups:

1. Plant Lipids:

Fats we get from plant sources are known as plant lipids,
e.g. coconut-oil, mustard-oil etc.

2. Animal Lipids:

Animal lipids are available in animals, e.g. ghee, butter, fish-oil, etc.
c.Fats are grouped into three, based on their sources:

1.First Category Lipids:

Soybean-oil, ghee, butter, mustard-oil, cod liver-oil, shirk-oil, etc. contain 90-100% lipid.

2.Second Category Lipids:

In these sources lipid content is 40-50%. Almond, peanut, cashew nut, walnut, coconut, etc. belong to this group.

3.Third Category Lipids:

Here available lipid counts for 15-20%. Milk, egg, fish, meat, liver, etc. are the best sources of this kind of lipid. 20-25% calories should come from fats in our daily diet.

Functions of Lipids or Fats in the Body

The main function of lipid is to supply heat and energy for the body.

1 gm of lipid yields 9 kcal of energy. Lipid is stored as fuel in the body and burnt for energy whenever needed.

1.Cholesterol and phospholipids are two general elements of cell walls.
2.Fats are the carriers of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

3.Adipose tissue, where fat is stored, serves as an insulation material in injury. Vital organs of the body are thus protected.

4.Lipid keeps our bodies warm by preventing the wastage of heat.

5.Essential fatty acids help to maintain tissues, their normal structure and efficiency. Thus we are protected from any kind of skin diseases.

Deficiency of Fats or Lipids:

1.Fat-soluble vitamins cannot functions without the presence of fats.

2.Skin becomes dry and itching . During infancy a deficiency of essential fatty acids results in eczema.

Some Questions and Answers

Is cholesterol a lipid?
Ans:Yes,Cholesterol is a lipid.

•Is triglyceride a lipid?
Ans:Yes, triglyceride is a Lipid.

Are lipids fats?
Ans:Yes,Lipids are fats.

Is glycerol a lipid?
Ans:No, glycerol is an alcohol which has three -OH group.

How much carbohydrate do you need?


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