Soup Recepies:Cheese and Onion Soup

Soup Recepies:Cheese and Onion Soup

Soup Recepies:Cheese and Onion Soup
Cheese and Onion Soup

Preparation time

10 minutes

Cooking time
10 minutes

Serves 6

490 per portion

You will need
2 onions
50g/2oz butter or margarine
50g/2oz plain flour

600ml/ 1 pint chicken stock
600ml/ 1 pint milk
225g/8 oz matured Cheddar
cheese, grated
150ml/ 1/4 pint dry or medium dry cider
1/4 teaspoon  grated nutmeg
salt and pepper


grated cheese

Chop the onions and cook in the 

butter or margarine for 3 - 5 minutes until soft .

Reduce the heat and stir in the flour.
Slowly add first the stock
,then the milk ,stirring all the time.

Bring to the boil and cook for 3-4 minutes .

Remove the saucepan from the heat, add the Cheddar and stir until all the cheese has melted.

Over a low heat, stir in the cider and seasoning.

Do not allow the soup to  boil.

Pour the soup into indrvidual bowls and garnish with grated cheese and croûtons.

Cook's Tip

To chop an onion, cut a peeled
onion in half lengthwise ;place the
flat side on a chopping board.

Holding opposite sides,
slice finely first lengthwise,
then across.

French Onion Soup


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