What Types of Food are Good for Diabeties

What Types of Food are Good for Diabeties

What Types of Food are Good for Diabeties
Health Tips:Foods That Keep Diabetes under Control

In the current world, the number of diabetic patients is increasing day by day with the development of medical science.

According to Doctor,Diabetes is one of the five main causes of death in the world today.Every 10 seconds a human with diabetes die in the world and two diabetes patients are detected every 10 seconds.

Therefore it is very important to take necessary steps to prevent and control the diabetes.Diabetes cannot be  completely cured. However, following certain rules, it can be kept under control.

There are many ways to control diabetes.It is possible to control the disease in various ways including medicines, regular exercises.

But those efforts will fail if you do not control the food.

There should be food in the daily diet list, which helps in regulating diabetes.And it has to be quantitatively.

Let's know about some foods that help in regulating diabetes.


Dates are brown color fruits.Due to the sweet taste of dates, many people think that diabetic patients should not eat it.

But lots of fiber-rich dates are actually beneficial for diabetes.Dates act as medicine for diabetes affected people.One study found that dates provides much more anti-oxidants than grapes, oranges and cauliflower.


This is a type of seed, whose English name is Flexsid.

This is beneficial to our body.This seed is very effective especially in controlling diabetes.Linseed is the good source of fatty acid,
 fiber, omega-3 and omega-6.

You can keep linseed on daily food list.It reduces blood sugar levels, which helps keep diabetes under control.You can drink three teaspoons linseed powder mixing with two glass of water everyday.


Milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin 'D'.And this is why milk is beneficial for diabetics.

Many People feel problem as air is created in their stomach after drinking milk.So if you want, you can also eat other dairy products without milk fatty acids.

You can also take  milk or any dairy products in your morning's breakfast.


Medicinal plant Tulsi is called diabetes patient's insulin.
Studies have shown that Tulsi leaf helps in controlling diabetes in a variety of ways.

 If you drink tulsi juice on an empty stomach, then the level of glucose levels decreases.You can also eat tulsi juice mixed with tea.


Peas play an effective role in controlling heart disease and diabetes.

One study found that peas control the level of glucose in the blood and  reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that eating 200 grams of peas every day reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

So, put it on the food list throughout the year.Eat peas as  fruits and vegetables.

How to Keep Ourself Away from Diabetes

Currently the number of diabetes patients is increasing.By the disease, many other diseases lead to nesting.So, as far as possible, stay away from this.The following can be done to prevent diabetes or to delay this disease.

●Walking or physical work for at least 40 minutes daily is a mandatory task.
In case of walking, walk continuously for 40 minutes and This will provide good results.We should do such exercises so that the sweat from the body falls.

Suddenly, without starting a very difficult exercise, you need to start with a work-up or light exercise.Need to speed up gradually.

●Body weight will not be allowed to grow.Those who have already increased weight, take measures to reduce weight (eg food control, exercise, running, walking etc).

●Put vegetables in the food list every day. Eat more  fiber foods.

Eat less carbohydrate-like foods, such as rice, potato.

●Don't eat more meat of cow and goat.

●Avoid ice cream, cheese, fast food, cold drinks, and artificial juice.

●Eat less butter.

●Drink 8-10 glass of water a day.

●Sleep at least 6 hours in 24 hours.

●Tensions will
have to be reduced.


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