Reduce Weight with only 3 Types of Delicious 'Salad' Every Day

 Reduce Weight with only 3 Types of Delicious 'Salad' Every Day

Everybody gives a lot of effort to reduce excess weight.But Weight cannot be reduced overnight.

We try exercise,diet etc. to reduce excess weight but can't go to our desired level.

It is also difficult to keep dieting for those who eat foods a little more.Salad will solve this problem.

If the salad is very fun or tasty, dieting can be more easy to them.

So today you are going to get the recipes of 3 delicious and healthy salads for 3 meals, which will help you reduce weight.

1.Salad of Eggs in the Morning

Reduce Weight with only 3 Types of Delicious 'Salad' Every Day

This salad can be eaten as a standard meal of the morning. This delicious salad will keep you all day long  active and reduce weight.
Things that is mandatory to make this salad

2 eggs boiled (without yolk), 1 green apple, 2 tomatoes, 1 table spoon olive oil, little salt, peppercorn powder.

Process to Make

Cut eggs, tomato and apple in the type of cubes.

Then mix all the ingredients together, like the usual salad.If you want, add lettuce leaves to salads.Eat this salad every morning. Your weight will go down  fastly.

2.Chicken-boot salad of noon
Reduce Weight with only 3 Types of Delicious 'Salad' Every Day

Many have habits to eat more at launch.As a result, instead of losing weight, it continue to grow.

For them,here is a delicious salad at noon. This salad will keep your mind peaceful as well as reduce your weight.

Eat this salad at noon without eating heavy food.The salad will help you to lose weight.


25 grams of boiled meat without chicken bone,Yogurt without fat, 2 tablespoons ,

1 cucumber, 1 cup gram boiled, lettuce, 10/15 grapes, little salt, 1 teaspoon olive oil


Soak grams all the night and in the morning boil it.cut boiled chicken into small pieces .

Cut cucumber in type of cubes.Then mix all the ingredients together with yogurt and olive oil.

At noon, without eating heavy food eat this salad that will help you to lose weight.

3. Pasta Salad at night

It is a good practice to eat dinner at 8 pm.

Those who cannot make this habit can eat this salad instead of heavy food.

This salad will need to be made-

1 cup macaroni, 1 cup broclly's small pieces,  25 grams of boiled chicken meat,, 2 tomatoes cut into cubes, 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt and little vinegar

Process to Make

Mix all ingredients together and keep freezing for 10 minutes.Then add  a little lemon juice to it.Now your dinner is ready to eat for weight loss.


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