How to Prevent the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

How to Prevent the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart disease,and stroke are not just diseases of old age.Many young people are now suffering from this type of diseases.

The main cause of these diseases is mainly unhealthy lifestyle.To reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke,you can do the following things.
Heart attack | Heart Failure| Cardiovascular Disease|

1)Exercise a little everyday.The risk of heart attack will be reduced.Fast walking or swimming can be a
good exercise.

Walk for 15 minutes - morning, noon and night. This will be your daily required physical exercise.

2) Avoid smoking.It increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.Take the help of a doctor if you need to quit smoking.

 You have to quit smoking and avoid the places where smoking is going on.

Read More:How to Gain Weight

3. There is no alternative to eating healthy foods.Eat moderate amounts and get out of the table before the stomach is full.

4. Despite many attempts to become slim, people fail to become slim and leave his attempts.Thus,many people make mistakes.

To reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, there is no such thing as to become thin and sick. Sugar,blood pressure and cholesterol return to start normal level if you can reduce  5 to10 percent of your weight.

5. Do not exclude high-pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular drugs.Here you should follow  the advice of your heart disease specialist.Otherwise,any accident may happen.


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