What is anemia? | Anemia's Symptoms | Symptoms of Anemia in Women

What is anemia? | Anemia's Symptoms | Symptoms of Anemia in Women
What is anemia? | Anemia's Symptoms | Symptoms of Anemia in Women

What is Anemia?

When hemoglobin levels of blood drop below normal, it is called anemia or anemia.

Hemoglobin is a special pigment of blood.Its main function is to supply oxygen to various parts of the body.

Hemoglobin is in red blood cells. Due to decreasing red blood cell, anemia may  happen.
What is anemia? | Anemia's Symptoms | Symptoms of Anemia in Women

Causes of Anemia

Anemia is not a disease, but a symptom of the disease.

There sre various reasons that  causes anemia.
Iron is one of the main raw materials for the production of hemoglobin in the blood.

If there is a lack of iron in the body for some reason, there may be anemia or anemia.This type of Anemia is called Iron deficiency anemia.Iron deficiency anemia is the highest in number. 

This increases maternal mortality.

Apart from this, the lack of vitamin B and Folic Acid, certain types of prolonged diseases (such as kidney failure), certain types of infections (such as tuberculosis), blood cancer, thalassemia, thyroid hormone problems, blood-borne carcinoma problems, red blood cells collapse, bleeding Etc. Cause anemia.

However,The causes of anemia can be divided into three groups.
Firstly, there is not sufficient amount of iron-rich foods in the food list.

Secondly, excess bleeding from the body due to various reasons.

The main reasons for bleeding are:

(1) extra bleeding during menstrual period

2) Infections of worms in the body.

3) alser or similar problems in digestive tract.

(5) bleeding from the stomach to use excessive pain medication.

(4) Operation or subsequent bleeding.

(6) Piles Disease.

Thirdly, the demand for iron in the body is higher than usual.Normally during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the physical growth of the baby,the demand for iron in the body increases.

Symptoms of Anemia

(1) The body becomes pale.

(2) Feel weaknesses.

(3)After the exercise, feeling trouble in breathing.

(4)Hearing swings in ear.

(5) Having no interest in eating.

(6)Broken nails or nails shape becomes like spoon.

(7)Lack of attention in activities or studies.

(8)mouth pale,


(10) dizziness,

(11) vomiting,

(12) headache,

(13) blurred vision,

(14) Difficulty in swallowing food may occur.

(15) If anemia is high, breathing difficulties, chest pain may happen.

Symptoms of Anemia in Women

Anemia or ironigue is a major problem for women in developing countries in the world.

This results in oxygen deficiency in the body, which makes a woman sick and weak.

Anemia makes trouble for women in case of child-birth.Four out of 10 women are diagnosed with anemia or anemia.

Check the following symptoms whether you are one of the four infected women or not.

1. Feeling tired or dull
Hemoglobin is one of the main components of blood. This hemoglobin's job is to ensure oxygen supply to the body. 

The amount of hemoglobin decreases when iron is reduced in the body. And the decrease in hemoglobin means that the oxygen supply in the body is interrupted.

When the body gets less oxygen than it needs, the body feels dull. No encouragement acts for work.
So if you see that the symptoms of tiredness appear often in you or you feel very weak ,then to measure the amount of blood hemoglobin,go to doctor.

2. Lack of Attention
If you cannot concentrate properly on any work or you are moving away from class lectures or meetings,
then you are suffering from the lack of iron.

Neurotransmittal synthase changes due to lack of iron in the body, resulting in lack of attention.

3.If there is a lack of iron, the ability of the muscle of spreading and  contracting up to  noemail  level  is inhibited . As a result, little exercises  create muscle pain.


Often sickness is also another cause of anemia.etc.

It is good to say that - if these symptoms match with a man, then it should be understood that he also lacks iron.

Test for Anemia

If CBC of the blood is tested,then you can see whether you are suffering from anemia or not.Serum Iron and serum ferritin are tested to see iron levels. There is also one kind of test called TIBC.

Remedies or treatment for Anemia

•If iron deficiency is very serious in the body, consult  with a doctor. According to the intensity of anemia , the treatment is different.

•If there is low anemia, it is advisable to eat balanced, iron-rich and vitamin C's food.

•However, in some cases the treatment of anemia is not completed only with food and diet.

•Along with diet, iron and folic acid tablets are provided by doctors.

•Blood is given to the patient, especially in the case of ​​severe anemia.

•Egg yolk  is effective for anemia.

How to Prevent Anemia

•The role of animal protein to meet iron deficiency is remarkable.Red meat is the best source of iron.Along with this, liver, egg yolk  are equally effective to prevent anemia.

•Apart from this, iron is also found in vegetables, green banana etc.

•Watermelon is the main source of iron among vegetables.

•There are lots of iron in cauliflower data.

•However, if you want to get iron from vegetables,you will also have to eat Vitamin C rich foods.

•Nutritionists say that to use the  iron of foods perfectly, you have to eat vitamin C rich foods ,such as guava, amalaki, batabilbo, orange etc.


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