15 Amazing and Unknown Health Benefits from One Amla or Gooseberry

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a powerhouse of nutrients. It's a tart, sour fruit that's high in vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants. Here are 15 amazing benefits of amla or indian gooseberry : 1. Rich in Vitamin C: Amla is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C, even containing more than oranges! Vitamin C helps boost the immune system, protects against cellular damage, and is essential for collagen production for healthy skin. 2. Boosts lmmunity: The high vitamin C content in amla helps strengther the body's immune system, making it more resistant to infections and illnesses. 3. Improves Digestion: Amla is a good source of fiber, which is important for promoting healthy digestion and regularity 4. May Aid in Weight Loss: Amla may help with weight management due to its fiber content, which can promote feelings of fuliness and reduce calorie intake. 5. May Improve Heart Health: Amla may help improve he...