Reduce Weight with only 3 Types of Delicious 'Salad' Every Day

Reduce Weight with only 3 Types of Delicious 'Salad' Every Day Everybody gives a lot of effort to reduce excess weight.But Weight cannot be reduced overnight. We try exercise,diet etc. to reduce excess weight but can't go to our desired level. It is also difficult to keep dieting for those who eat foods a little more. Salad will solve this problem. If the salad is very fun or tasty, dieting can be more easy to them. So today you are going to get the recipes of 3 delicious and healthy salads for 3 meals , which will help you reduce weight. 1.Salad of Eggs in the Morning This salad can be eaten as a standard meal of the morning. This d elicious salad will keep you all day long active and reduce weight. Things that is mandatory to make this salad 2 eggs boiled (without yolk), 1 green apple, 2 tomatoes,...